
Industrialisation and Automation of Your Delegated Management

With its HDS infrastructure, Apidata offers an open, collaborative ecosystem of micro and Big Data services.

L’industrialisation et l’automatisation de votre gestion déléguée - image 1
L’industrialisation et l’automatisation de votre gestion déléguée - icone

Apidata ensures its clients an auditable and traceable processing chain end-to-end, in compliance with security requirements, to:

Améliorer le pilotage et le contrôle de vos activités déléguées
Improve the management and control of your delegated activities
Mesurer et contrôler vos délégataires externes
Measure and control your external delegates
Qualifier et traiter les données de vos activités
Qualify and process your activity data
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Explore the Apidata ecosystem

Fully customisable, the Apidata ecosystem is built around interconnected and scalable modules. It adapts to your needs and market changes.


API Reassignment

API fin

API Ficovie

API Analytics


Data collection, enrichment, feeding, and management control for insurers:

  • All types of flows: unstandardised or standardised, CONNEXIA, PRDG…
  • Secure exchange platforme, multi-protocols
  • Fully customisable solutions, entirely in the hands of the client

Module for reallocating financial flows related to management anomalies:

  • Cancellation of transactions
  • Reinjection of financial flows
  • Management of traceability for all transactions for their justification

Financial management and consolidation tool for third-party accounts:

  • Adaptation of account models according to the granularity chosen by the client
  • Creation of dynamic accounting diagrams
  • Integrated interfacing with the Api Hub

Insurance portfolio monitoring module for generating Ficovie declarations to the DGFIP:

  • Interfacing with Api Hub allowing integration to any type of flow

Module for creating statistical universes from data in other modules or from external data:

  • Dynamic synchronisation of data
  • Open to statistical tools on the market, R, SaaS, Excel…
  • Customisation of universes according to client needs

Secure exchange portal:

  • Management of document security by user group
  • Creation of document validation processes

Excited to dive deeper into the Apidata ecosystem?

Apidata, brought to you

Bringing Apidata’s value chain into your organisation’s value chain

Distribution automatisée aux fonctions support, aux outils techniques, dans un environnement où tous les domaines sont synchronisés
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Automatisation of the retrieval of data streams transmitted by management delegates
Mise en cohésion des métiers : un outil avec des responsables de domaines
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Alignment of business areas : a tool with domain owners
Traitement automatique de la lecture pour leur exploitation
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Automated processing of readings for their exploitation
Contrôles et harmonisation au référentiel assureur
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Controls and harmonisation with the insurer’s reference framework
Automatisation de la récupération des flux de données transmis par les délégataires de gestion
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Automated distribution to support functions and technical tools, in an all-synchronised environment
Réduction du temps d’exploitation, de contrôle et de qualification des opérations d’assurance
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Reduced time for processing, checking and qualifying insurance operations
Impact fort de l’automatisation favorisant la scalabilité : Accroissement des portefeuilles Nouveaux délégataires Nouveaux produits
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Strong impact of automation promoting scalability :
  • Increased portfolios
  • New delegates
  • New products
  • New distribution channels
ROI immédiat sur les frais de gestion, meilleure maîtrise du risque, respect des conventions dans un cadre réglementaire
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Immediate ROI on management costs, better risk control, compliance within a regulatory framework

Optimisation of management processes in line with the insurer's control requirements. It addresses the prerogatives carried by key functions (risk management, actuarial, compliance and internal audit).

A targeted solution

Apidata, tailored for you

Our customers are professionals in life and health insurance.

Our solution supports insurers in their development and diversification strategies.

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Point Orange - Apidata


Point Orange - Apidata

Provident institutions

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Mutual insurance companies

Why choose Apidata

Connaissance du métier - icone

Industry knowledge

A recognised expertise in both the insurance field and the technology deployed. 100% of Apidata's activity is dedicated to optimising Middle Office services for insurers.

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Regain control of your core activities and witness immediate ROI impact through process automation.

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We guarantee the traceability and consistency of your operations.

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Regardless of your organisation, strategy, or portfolio size, the Apidata solution evolves with you.

Boost your performance

 while keeping full control.

Your questions, our answers

Apidata tools are genuine management tools tailored to the core business of insurers. They encompass business processes with controls, data quality management, and business involvement, beyond just a decision-making platform. Nevertheless, Apidata serves as an ideal data source for BI, datawarehouse and AI tools.

Every organisation is unique. At Apidata, we’ve identified the most common bottlenecks within insurance organisations. We’ve then developed modules to transform those blocking points into optimisation levers. Thanks to this system of independent yet interconnected modules, you choose the formula that best suits your organisation and its needs.

The Analytics module provides a range of tools to industrialise reporting: analytics database, R servers, tools for presenting information directly on screens. The main goal is to empower insurers to control their reporting processes by providing tools while enabling them to manage the entire production chain.

The Apidata solution ensures 100% data security with highly secure HDS hosting, ISO27001/27017, compliance with procedures with internal controls ISAE3402, real-time replication on remote data centers, and client isolation on specialised networks. With tests against failures and technical accidents and daily BCP/weekly DRP, data is perfectly secure. Our constant monitoring and analysis of the insurance market and regulatory developments means we can respond instantly to new constraints and directives (Solvency 2, GDPR, etc.) without impacting your use of our services.

More questions?

Contact us, we’re here to help.

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